Another routine calling for 'vital' stats. Did you fill it out? If you did, chances are you didn't think it would actually make a difference. You probably felt you were going through the you may think are the government?
So the actual ads? Any semblance of an underlying positive motivation is neatly tucked away...'Help tomorrow take shape' in tiny copy. Though eye-catching and technically in line with the strap, the art direction has no emotive resonance.
The concept itself generates no audience connection, which i'm guessing you'll see i'm implying the need for... Cynical as the British public are I think the right way to go with this would have been to make people 'care' or more specifically believe in the role or results possible from the Census... And that would have been achieved if we thought the people paying for the advertising truly 'cared' or were any good.
The 'care' connection is lost..It's there in the strapline... But there's no emotion elsewhere. It feels like a chore...'let's get on the bus..cos i have to go to work.' Their obligatory threat of 'avoid facing a fine,' is shamefully non-effectual except in it's grounding of the government's flight in colloquial tones. 'Drop it in the post.' So sad.
As usual i feel i've been extremely harsh; i like the purples, i honestly do..they add colour to a colourless ad.
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