Ye olde '99p rule'
Common sense tells us it shouldn't work, we'll never admit it does; but it does. £29.99 is essentially £30, we know this any day of the week but get us in a shop and we see 20's! True, we consumers are fair savvy to the adman's knack but faced with one of the oldest tricks in the book we lapse. Why? Perhaps it's the wallpaper effect; there around every corner! Okay not so much lurking but in shops. We know 99p so well, it's harmless, or is it?! Mwahahaha!
Maybe it's because we want to believe we're not spending as much, a sort of subtle lie we tell ourselves when we really want something; it's a very cheeky insight in the psychology of the customer. Which makes this minor tweak an age old, commercial gem.
Still that's absolutely no excuse for your £159.99's; when you get into the higher figures how much wool is actually left to pull over your would be consumer erm sheep? There stands to be much more gained at tactically made lower prices such as your £4.99, your £14.99 which is of the same ilk but in truth your £9.99 isn't fooling anyone is it?! However, the mother of all these price points, i must say is the 0.99p. That lil 'p' is so friendly, no? Anyway you get my gist, that is all.
The Next Generation in Price Point Psychology!!! That'll have your purse lips ajar.
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