Sunday, 15 May 2011

What is Success?

Adverts like the following really nark me off; broadly promising the enhancement of your individuality, they're a dime a dozen these days. Honestly, who sees these ads and thinks 'yes, finally I can be the creative I've always wanted to be!' True creatives do like new toys and gizmos but when you get down to brass tax I think it's what's most convenient that helps you get your stuff done, and that tends to be what you have already. If you can't be creative with limited resources then you're not creative..surely?

Two things here get my back up: the pseudo-existentialist mumbo jumbo and the cruddy copy. It moves from 'Success doesn't need a desk' to 'Success goes big,' there no continuation of argument. The assertions made by each bit of copy come across to me as shallow at best and bullshit at worst. They don't seem like the kinds of things real successful people would feel or believe..they're stab in the dark arbitrary assumptions. Take a look see.

The idea: 'success' is relative to the individual. To me this waters down the potency of what success actually is. How can 'success' be you doing anything...even if it is your thang...diving in snow, eating popcorn or hailing a taxi, sitting on a train writing a text?! How is that success? To me, this is not a depiction of's a depiction of a somewhat fulfilled lifestyle, if you have no aspirations. Which, ok, to some people is success...Being happy to be alive everyday. When you put it like that it sounds like a great concept. Doesn't it? Except it's nonsense. 'Success' to me is something that has to be worked out..something that in its absence we feel empty or unworthy and in its presence or upon its realisation we are truly lifted. Success is achievement and so to me 'being happy everyday' as 'success' is a far stretch of the imagination but doesn't ring true. Call me a hard ass and a kill joy but that's how I feel.

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