Friday, 18 March 2011

Worst Case Scenario!

Bear Gryll, a true action-man, goes urban in his latest extreme self-help series, 'Worst Case Scenario,' Discovery Channel. What a fantastic change of direction this is for Mr Grylls...or lack there of in this particular episode.

Essentially Bear's advice when confronted with brake cut-out on a steep hill is to: hit as much as possible.. this will cause friction and most surely slow you down, scratch the shit out of your car on a railing for extra street cred,  finally ditch the car and go green. After watching this, though entertaining, I've come to the conclusion that Bear knows better than noone how to stop a car when faced with break failure.

Honestly though..what a guy! His nose-bleed advice, self-defense, lift escape and rabid dog escape are priceless. Definitely worth a watch for kicks.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Great wife beater track

Such a wonderfully sweet sounding misogyny...

Oh well, must be for her own good.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Ginsters: Good with food?

A couple of questions with this one:

1: Are you kidding? Real honest one.
2: Who has given this ad five stars on Youtube?!

I saw this ...

And thought of this.

Which actually now makes me think Ginsters are doing a spoof, in which case the ad is alright.
It HAS to be a spoof with that tagline, doesn't it? Yup i'm decided. Ginsters have been astute and the piss-take nature of this ad surely appeals to their potentials consumers...Piss taking lorry driving beer louts. Mmm i fancy one.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

BBC Extreme World Ad-

I saw this ad while in HK and thought it poignant. The voice-over narrates emotively through each succinct debate, brought to life by the human portrayal in each issue. Though clearly leading, imposing a sense of wrong and right, the ad engages the viewer's moral compass. Knowing there are wrongs to be righted tends to get peeps fired up. People pick a side and feel rewarded by their conscience..

Tricky grey areas are off putting but that's exactly what this issues are.. not clear cut.

Which is actually what the final line's about: 'The great divides in the world may not always be what they seem.'  It's quite subtle but brilliant... The whole ad works without this line, you'd still tune in. But this line throws in little bit extra for those true intellectuals..the promise of a real debate.